The Sacred Hearts Truth
Love is the spiritual path.
Which is precisely the road home to your own heart.
Love is not meant to make you comfortable.
It is the greatest fear of evil.
And the strongest warrior who has ever walked.
Love isn't just warmth,
And pleasure.
Love is meant to initiate you,
To shatter illusions.
It will awaken you,
Completely melt what layers you're wearing
Trying to stay luke warm,
from this cold world.
Love will break you 1000 times
and rebuild you 1001.
It will chink the armor of the self,
Until you surrender one day to remove it and it's metallic weight all together.
Eviscerate who you thought you were,
And completely consume
The trauma and the pain and the grief.
The ancient wounds stand no chance at survival in the face of love.
There is nothing that can stand in its way,
But you,
Merely delaying its inevitable reign.
It is the light of god that never fails.
And you ought to let it in,
You ought to share and create and remember it whenever you can.
Nothing is promised.
No time, no next, no person, no thing.
Opportunity? Yes. Promised?
It is you who is the promise,
Your engagement with life --
The contract you made with God,
To come to Earth,
to do, to dare, to be,
To give it your all.
That is love.
It is service. To thine own self be true.
The willingness to get back up again,
The willingness to let the old you melt away,
To Be seen,
To share your music, your smile, your beauty, your truth with the Earth.
Let yourself fall right into it.
Let yourself have FAITH in love.
Let yourself be loved so fully so truly so completely,
Let yourself be worthy of your own love.
Love is the only path I give a fuck about.
And it is quite literally what each of us is,
We need not seek it,
As the fish need not seek for water.
But let it's flames be fanned
Let it's trickle of warm water entrance in,
Let's it's breath of the rarest air
Fill thy vessel cell by cell by cell.
In the gentle embrace of this very moment,
I tell you,
Love is all there really is.
Everything else is a game,
Hide and seek it is.
As if time itself is seeking you,
To initiate and awaken and enliven you,
Against the tick tock of life itself.
Go on....
Love yourself.
Be relenting,
Be obstinate.
Be kinky, love the darkest, devilish deceit,
Love the victim in you, the tantruming child,
Love your hidden, greedy, drooling darkest bits.
Be so generously devoted to love in all forms,
That the mighty flame
is all that remains.