On Change…

The rain drops ripple outwards in all directions.

We do too.
Our presence
Ripples outward beyond us into all dimensions.
The way we show up
The way we love
The way we give
It all matters.
Every thought,
Every action,
Every single interaction.
“Not a sparrow falls without God knowing”.
So be intentional with your word, With your thoughts.

Loving with your self,

Loving with your fellow human.
Loving to your waters,
To your Earth.
This life won’t last forever,
You won’t have vitality forever
You won’t have this pain forever,
You won’t have your children forever,
You won’t have it this way before change strikes again
Like lightening
And suddenly the shift is upon us again
And we must release ourselves to the waves of life
And let the waters
Carry us onto the shores of a new island
Just remember the times as a child
When you were taught to float on your back
And rest
And that time is now.

Lie and rest

Buoyant in the waters of life.
Let them carry you
As they so desire
Into the next.
The rain isn’t so bad when you’re already wet.
That rain doesn’t feel so serious
When you’re already all wet
With the rivers of life.
So jump in.
Let the current wipe you right the fuck out of wherever you are
And wherever your soul wants to go.
Tears and rainy days are just a drop in the bucket of the waters of life.
Let me just tell you, I have felt this, I have seen this, I have experienced this.
The human mind is small
The human mind seeks patterns,
Seeks the same geometry of life again and again and again
Until it’s solved.
Or is accepted as unresolved.
And that is one of the hardest facets of life.
The unresolvedness of it all.
And that is where trust comes into play and
Whispers in your ear… it’s ok.
There will be a time when it comes around again,
There will be more to this story.
There will be enough.
There will be.
There, there, darling…
And we sit in the shower and cry because we’re just not sure
If we trust ourselves to make the right choices
That come before us.
We’re just not sure if we’re worthy or deserving or what it really will be.
And life is such that going backwards just isn’t that feasible.
Doubt is no longer an option.
Time is moving too fast.

You know. You know. You know….
Follow it, do it. Build it, guide it, create it.
Come on now, Rise up.
Pick your head out of the water of your every day situation.
Take a deep breath,
Let life enter your lungs.
Play with it,
Regard it.
Dance with it.
Observe it.
This life is a chance to play in the waters on Earth.
It might break you, and you might want it to.
It might make you, and you might want it to.
It might take you, and you might want it to.
It might forsake you, and you might want it to.
It might wake you, and you might want it to.
It might escape you, and you might want it to.
Don’t take it so seriously that you forget to experience your own life.
As long as that’s what you want.
Because in the end --
Family will always be.
Children will grow.
Play will change with our bodies.
Age will come.
God will always be.
Work will never cease.
Money will always come.
Music is always magic.
Love is always everything.
Life is always for living.
So grab it,
And dance.
Until the stars stop shining
And your feet give out
And you can’t stand for another second.
Because this life is a chance at an experience.
That is the truth.
In the absence of doubt.
That is all there is.
We are just the experience.
We are just the experience.
Moving through the cosmos.
On a ball of rock and water.
That is half terrifying and half glorious.


The Feminine Divine


Our First Self