This is our time.
There is no more waiting.
Waiting for the rebirth of wonder, the renaissance of wonder, the restructuring of wonder?
So you can stop waiting for the ball to drop.
It has already rolled all the way down the fucking mountain.
We keep saying, “the earth is telling us something.”
But, I humbly ask, have you put your ear to the ground yet?
Taken the chance that someone could see you,
Listening to something so sacrilege —
Its rebellious nature alone should bring you like a magnet.
Listening, ear down, mind stagnant.
What does it tell you?
That you have arrived.
This is our time, friends.
We have incarnated at this exact moment, for this exact purpose.
We are here for the finding.
We are here for the remembering.
We are here for the seeking, for the longing, for the journey of it all.
This is the moment that we have to laugh at ourselves to be ok with the adventure of it all.
Because, the journey is the arrival.
And, the time is now.
This is not the eleventh hour.
This is the hour.
You have been preparing for this since before your birth.
Do you know that?
Do you know how important YOU are?
Yes, you.
You, sitting there, standing there.
You, breathing human.
You, heart beating, lips poised, eyes blinking.
You, live thing.
You, creator.
You are here because you chose to be here.
You always forget that you chose this.
To be a transmuter
A transcriber
A Thriver
A do or dier
A want to be higher
A beautiful trier
A loving living breathing aliver.
We never said you wouldn’t fail
You understood the risks.
But you can’t fail if you don’t actually try.
You have nothing to lose, we have everything to gain.
Will I try to make my world better?
Will I have the bravery to ask my own heart what it really wants?
Will I take responsibility for the things I came here to do.
This is not hard work, not weighted,
No need to create big spreadsheets and make it complicated.
Start with one thing.
Pick your dog, or your child, or yourself… oh please pick yourself.
Take yourself for a walk,
And tell yourself how strong you are, how beautiful you are.
How capable you are.
Tell yourself how you’ve always known you could do this hard thing.
Tell yourself how when you get home, you’re going to take the first step.
You’re going to take action because
You Believe In Yourself.
Then, just listen.
These little itty bitty teeny tiny messages will move forth into your brain
Like a whisper of an idea
Something so small, so seemingly insignificant.
Except, this time follow through on it.
Just to see… just to see.
If in doing that small little thing that you feel free?
And soon you’ll realize that you’re swimming in messages
Meant for you.
Little waves of a leaf in the sun
Ripples on water one by one
Oh look I found a heart shaped rock,
A moonlit trail on your evening walk,
A swimming hole meant for your old bones,
A sweet dog who needs your homes.
All meant for you — in this arrival, that yes, actually,
You are in the right place at the right time.
And yes, actually you are the right person for the job.
And yes, actually this is what we are doing to change the world,
And yes, just being brave enough to let go of the shore
And let the river of life sweep you downstream.
Or, you can sit in the dark, and let the world tell you what you need instead.
And let all of your sweet soft messages go unread.
Except you won’t do that, because you know somehow —
That sitting in fear isn’t right, not now.
We aren’t here for that.
We know inherently that right after death is rebirth.
We know this because we see it every year in Mother Earth.
The seasons change,
The fires burn,
The snow melts,
The berries drop,
The baby is born,
The Mother dies,
The cycle goes on and on.
Seek the messages that are meant for your beautiful heart.
You are capable. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are enough.
You are doing it! You are here!
After all, isn’t that enough? That we’re just here? Just doing our best right now, right here?
And indeed, Mother Earth says, “it is.”