Water filters are essential in our world today, where there are humans, there is impact on the watershed. Like it or not, water carries a large burden of our waste, and therefore should be purified before consumption. Water carries everything that it has come into contact with upstream of you. Ranging from the profound; clouds, rivers, tears, oceans, to the more detrimental, including medications, toxic solvents, heavy metals, non organic chemical compounds, chlorine, radioactive particles and more. There are different levels of filtering, and reconstituting water that you can choose from, depending on the quality of what's coming out of the tap, and your budget. Importantly, purification is only the first step, remineralizing and restructuring are equally important to your hydration, health, and spiritual connection.

The scoop:

  • Navigating what kind of filter you need starts with the quality of your water. Click the link below to access an existing database of water quality assessments from all over the US. Environmental Working Group does a great job through their water database of helping consumers identify what level of filter they need. If your area doesn’t have up to date water quality assessments, get it tested. I recommend My Tap Score, you can find their site through the testing link below.

  • Reverse osmosis filters strip everything from the water, including the good and the bad. Trace minerals are a critical component our bodies need and expect with water, these will need to be replaced. Trace minerals include elements such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride (not chlorine) to name a few. The cells in your body are more receptive to both hydration and absorption of minerals when these are combined with water. If you are using an RO filter, make sure to add trace minerals back into every glass of water you, and your family drink. Trace minerals in droplet form can be purchased at any health foods store, alternatively adding sea salt to water works to remineralize as well.

  • Structured water is living water. When water flows in nature, in naturally vortexes, swirls, and spins around itself. From streams, to lakes, and ocean currents to draining puddles, water always seeks to move in a rhythmic flow form pattern. Water that has moved in this way is deemed structured water, and it is considered alive, because it has been reactivated to its natural state. Some filters structure water, and other devices provide structuring without filtration. This is a critical step in your filtration process, and is not to be missed or tossed aside as nonessential. Living water is essential. This water carries living intelligence, in the form of geometrical lattice structures, that will help bring your cells, your body, mind and spirit into balance and resonance. Structured water can be achieved by simply adding sunlight, sea salts, cucumber, lemon, or anything living. Alternatively, spinning or vortexing water manually, using pitchers, devices, your own thoughts, music, or crystals can all help bring bulk water back into resonance with its true nature. If you’re curious about structured water, check out Marcel Vogel’s water work.

EWG’s existing water database

Get your tap water tested here

Recommended Products:

*Please note, this information is shared with you based on my personal research. I am not affiliated with these companies, or receiving any funds for advertising these products. If you are interested in drinking clean water, please do your own research on filtration systems.

Gravity Fed, effective filtration of greater than 99% of unwanted substances, and non mineral stripping. This is a good option if your water is inherently clean and structured, and you don’t have room or desire for an undersink or whole home option. Shop here.

The Berkey

Ophora provides a full spectrum of options to drink from. From undersink, to full house, pool and spa, and subscription services for their bottled water. This water is purified, remineralized and restructured to provide you with an intelligent, crystal clean, and beautiful water. Shop here.

Ophora Water

Reverse Osmosis Purification, coupled with remineralization and restructuring. This is a great option for an under the sink set up, that does not include a storage tank, and does it all in an effective package. Shop here.

Live Pristine Water


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